29 Dec 2004
I’m not a man who’s been so far away that I’ve lost all allegiance to home
I’m not a man who’s had so many names that I have forgotten my own
I am the immigrant I am the abdicant I am the prodigal son
I am the man of many ways but I still know the path to my home
I’m not a man who’s been so far from land that I’ve fallen in love with the sea
I’m not a man who’s seen so many wonders I’m blind to the marvel of peace
I am the song and I am the singer I am the minor key
I am a man who has lived on these waters but I must be leaving the sea
I’m not a man who’s been so many people that I’ve lost a claim to my soul
I’m not a man who’s been so long a stranger that my feet do not turn toward home
I am the captain I am the anchor I am the billowing sail
I am the man of many faces but I’ve not forgotten my soul