
06 Jan 2005

We were down on the shore that evening
Walking the waterline
A voice was calling up from the deep saying run
Leave your troubles behind

We were down on the shore that evening
Walking the waterline
You were calling to me you spoke my name
You said leave your future behind

Forty days on the sea are nothing
It’s the nights that will do you in
Watching the wake fade into the sea
Erasing where you have been

Forty days in pursuit of a cloud
At night a pillar of fire
The wind at your back blows over your footsteps
The past creeping up from behind

You can’t cut a line into water
Part the seas with a wave of your hand

It’s too deep for your anchor to hold

We’ve been two of a kind it’s true

If I’m caught in this flood give me strength
Not to struggle or swim
Let me drown like a stone let me surrender
Let me give in

Is this divine intention or human design
Are we out of step with this creation or
Right in time

Above my head a seagull
Loops across the sky
And I’d be up there too
If I could only fly