
18 Feb 2024

You wanna take a trip past the edge of town
Come on and take a ride with me
You wanna get out where the lights go dim
Come on and take a ride with me

Broken things out on the fringe
I'll take them anyday
With broken strings on damaged wings
I'll fly away

You want to see a highway through the heart of town
Come on and take a ride with me
You want to see the place they make it rain
Come on and take a ride with me

You want to see the buildings turn their backs on you
Come on and take a ride with me
You want to see the wreckage and the worn out things
Come on an take a ride with me

You want to see something new
Come on and take a ride with me
You want to see the future that’s waiting for you
Come on and take a ride with me



And wreckage is never far away

Listen to the ambulance go by
Somebody somewhere is waiting for that sound

Once your computers crash we’re gonna see who’s who and what’s what.

Bearing witness until the pain leaves our bodies

We’re all performing for each other

Because those people were let in
The world has let you down