20 Dec 2024
You stood there on the mountainside year upon year
Your hollow holding shrines
Your branches sheltered poets, philosophers and djinns
The world came just to pass you by
You stood among the traffic and you breathed it in
Shedding what could not be absorbed
You grew so tall in foreign soil
No storm left you disturbed
You took in everything the world had to give
With wonder and curiosity
You had the radio on and the paper piled up
In search of history
20 Sep 2024
Watch me make myself disappear
Watch me climb inside of your ear
I am here to sing them; all your favorite songs
Make you think you knew them all along
Watch me make myself fade away
Watch me turn colors into grays
I am here to make you shine like something new
I am here to help you sing the perfect tune
Watch me make myself into sand
Watch me slip through your hand
I’ll be sewing up the edges of your dreams
So there is nothing to imagine without me
Watch me evaporate
Watch me drift away
I am in the air and on the breeze
There is nowhere that I will not be
09 Sep 2024
She said believe me I’ve been gone so long
Its like I’ve never been
And she was studying the label on
That empty fifth of gin
You’d think up north the mighty river
Would be a trickling stream
But instead it ran untethered
Breaking its banks and running free
It was just above the tree line
Where it all became so clear
I am standing on that mountain
And the mountain rests in me
Water seeks scale
11 Aug 2024
How do you show your weakness
What makes you afraid
What’s the worst that can be assumed
How do you handle uncertainty
Where do you hold your weakness
What makes it disappear
How do they know you’re even there
What do you hold dear
When do you know your weakness
What can’t you quit
Is it respect or victimhood
That’s got you in it’s grip
Feeling small
Weaving webs
And now on top of everything
You want to be a victim too
You only mean to offend
Finding new ways to take offense
Do you crack the bones and suck out the marrow
Do you swallow it whole
Do you spit out the seeds
Security in poverty and annihilation
Who do you have tasting your food
Are you ready to take the first shot
Or did you bet on retaliation
28 May 2024
Believe what you want to see
Don’t matter what they say
It don’t matter if it was faith or science
Or drugs that got you there
Believe in possibility
The end of days
Believe the lies that get you through
Your darkest days
Believe infinity
The last word you will hear
Believe in passing thoughts
Hold on to memory
Believe the way they make you feel
But don’t believe your eyes
Believe that nothing lasts
That you can still get higher
Believe what you can’t see
You’re better off that way
Can’t make a fool of a believer
You’re already there
Using complication as a weapon
When do you start the clock
The clock that’s stopped
Let’s make our intentions plain
People say where there’s smoke there’s fire
But you can smell the smoke after the fire is gone
… and the riderless horse
Who is hallucinating, you or me?
12 May 2024
Wrote this in a war
Late in the day at the end of the year
And I sing this for you
To take the edge of my fears
You and I we’ve had our share
Filled our days up with worries and care
Everything ends
But won’t you travel with me until then
Sang this song in a war
On another day in another year
I wrote it for you
To take the edge of your fear
18 Feb 2024
You wanna take a trip past the edge of town
Come on and take a ride with me
You wanna get out where the lights go dim
Come on and take a ride with me
You want to see a highway through the heart of town
Come on and take a ride with me
You want to see the place they make it rain
Come on and take a ride with me
You want to see the buildings turn their backs on you
Come on and take a ride with me
You want to see the wreckage and the worn out things
Come on an take a ride with me
You want to see something new
Come on and take a ride with me
You want to see the future that’s waiting for you
Come on and take a ride with me
And wreckage is never far away
Listen to the ambulance go by
Somebody somewhere is waiting for that sound
Once your computers crash we’re gonna see who’s who and what’s what.
Bearing witness until the pain leaves our bodies
We’re all performing for each other
Because those people were let in
The world has let you down
05 Aug 2023
In the fall of change we got high on hope
Started to believe they weren’t just giving us some rope
Put him in office like his face would be enough
They were dancing on the roof of the downtown bus
Man I’m through with hoping, I’m done with thoughts and prayers
Waiting on things that I wish were there
You and me, we got to work through the night
And when the sun comes up, no time to give up the fight
Gulf war protests
The ballot box and the bloody flag
This is not that dawn
The color guard and the rockets glare
This is not that dawn
Thoughts and prayers and the rockets glare
This is not that dawn
A changing face in the highest place
This is not that dawn
Think I heard the sounds move the the air
Heard those voices everywhere
Aesthetics of change without the reality
Keeping the door open
Who’s your audience and how did they get in
This ain’t the first and it won’t be the last
Believing it would be different this time
The bitterness of falsehood
The arrogance of claiming difference
We know better
This time this time
23 Jun 2023
I know it hits different for you
And harder too
Even if I could I wouldn’t
Tell you what to do
Tell you how to feel
Or who to be
I’ve been told you wouldn’t
Take things easily
All the harm you do
Could be for free
Even though I can I won’t
Tell you what to do
Tell you how to feel
Or who to be
Waves become an ocean
When they meet the shore
Waves become an ocean
And there’s always one more
One is followed by more
25 Feb 2023
Standing at the edge I feel it creeping up behind
Wrap it’s fingers around my skull and swallow up my mind
And I can hear it whisper just one step more
Make your life into a memory what are you waiting for
Standing at the border with a whirlwind at my back
I had no time for goodbyes, I had no time to pack
And I don’t know where I’m headed or what will meet me there
But I keep on moving forward like I haven’t got a care
Standing at the crossroads of either/or
I can’t see around the corner, I can’t see over the wall
But I put the pedal down, grit my teeth and swing the wheel
Speed prevents me from looking in the mirror
Now I want to drive right off the cliff
A citizen of oblivion
Is it you?
The obliteration I’ve been waiting for
02 Jan 2023
This once was an empire
This once was the sea
This once was the mountain
That came to you and me
This once was the island
This once was the shore
Everything that is to come
And all that went before
This once was a cloud
This once was the land
This once was an ancient ruin
Buried in the sand
This once was the end
This once was the dream
What I hoped to find
But never did see
25 Jun 2022
I am always at my limit
So why not now, why not another round
I am always at my limit
So come and give me more than I can stand
If Huddie were still around today
Man he’d have some shit to say
Outrunning the cannon ball
Detached from my own capacity to care
Please leave with what you came with. - sign in subway booth
Though i have offered some resistance in the measure of my life
The worlds we hold within us are the worlds that we can build No more and no less
I am always at capacity More work than capacity
The amount contained or produced.
When it’s low tide here, it’s high tide somewhere else.
Down east there’s a granite mountain Further east a marble hill And people climb to find the summit And people find a deeper will
For grace received
08 Jun 2022
You’ve broken it down
Your best protection
You’ve taken them down
Taken them down
Taken them down
Your best defenses
They went in thick and they went as thieves
Cut down mangroves for that embassy
And now the sea swells
And they ring the bells
Now the water is rising all over town
They’ll be the first to go when the flood comes down
They started out with a helping hand
Now they won’t let go and they’re bringing you down
Now the walls that kept them out are keeping you in
Shot through your own loopholes
They’ll squeeze you hard until you squeal
Until you plead out and take that deal
Walls going up around the little Americas
How you gonna disarm someone without knowing what they’ve got
Break it down, make it more
How you gonna give them the world when there are things they’d much prefer
How you gonna offer protection
I will build no more defenses
I will gather no more stones
No more hard-headed schemes
26 Aug 2021
The world is built around equal and opposite reactions
So what if you don’t react
Let me get back get back on that
But what if you didn’t
Everybody’s saying get back get back
But what if you didn’t
You never just put it out there
Without expecting something back
The blues are built on call and response
The war is won after the cost is paid
14 Mar 2021
You could be miles away from everything you know
Speaking a foreign language, wearing unfamiliar clothes
You could be in a place you don’t know at all
And suddenly you realize you’ve been here before
Standing at the borderline the traffic rushes by
Not the dust or the exhaust that brings a tear to your eye
Not the crows that hold a grudge against you
Or the flame on the stove that burns the brightest shade of blue
No matter where you go some places are always near
Even though I can never disappear
To tread the length of ground you will have to cover
To get from one point to another
22 Feb 2019
Do you make an architect by chance or design
In a room full of history or alone in the wild
By shaping the clay or shedding the chains
Is an architect born or made
What do I know about what I know
And where it lives
What do I know about what I know
And what that gives
As if civilization is infectious
And taste a matter of averages
Take a box and puncture it
To let the light in
Furnish it with experience
Step inside your own brain
A house to hold your head
28 Dec 2016
We’re under pressure and we’re all out of time
It’s raining in December
Evening comes early and we may be too late
To hope we could remember
Ice in the lakes it fractures and breaks
Leaving islands behind
They’re all saying it’s the worst it’s been
Since I don’t remember
I stepped out when the news came in
Couldn’t watch it happen
One by one they are taken in
All your heroes fall
Each new thing feels stark and grim
And oh so personal
Lately I’ve been thinking about thinking about time
Talking about the weather
Lately I’ve been wondering if the will of the signs
Can bring us back together
Time has no heart
it will bury you
containment - packed in
endless knot
24 Aug 2016
When I was a painter I used both my hands
Made my living on someone else’s plans
And the past was not a place of regrets
When I was a painter, I was a happy man
When I was a painter, I didn’t speak all day
Let it out in songs, or some other way
Put yourself in position to draw a straight and a clean line
01 Jan 2016
Five seconds after I walk out the door
I miss you
Right after I hang up the phone
I miss you
All the way on that late night bus
Taking me away from us
When I remember what I planned to say
I miss you
When I’ve had more than enough to drink
I miss you
When I am too tired to even think
I miss you
When skies are cloudy and its pouring rain
When I am singing under sunny skies
When I’m all alone by myself at night
When I’m packed in the bus on a rainy day
12 May 2015
She said Karachi broke my heart
It will happen to you
But by then it was too late
I’d been taken in too
She said you’d better watch your step
Out on Clifton Beach
But I was already gone
Drifting out to sea
another verse here
She said you could spend your time
Thinking about what you’ve to to lose
You could stand around waiting for
Someone to make a move
another verse here
snow in sindh
The ghost of John Denver out on the pier
A place that is far from everything
Chanting with the thousands out there on the beach
Abdullah Shah Gazi come and rescue me
Keep it clean, keep it green
Prove your identity
27 Dec 2014
Everything becomes a ruin
Every place is already a ruin
A city or a mountain will both end up as dust in time.
Ruins of nature
Two ways water can kill you in the desert: thirst or drowning
Angles of geology
Roots of the mountains
Distinguishing the human from the natural
The effects of nature on civilization
17 May 2014
Here I am, it’s Monday night
I’ve got this barstool and this glass
I’d like to let this head full of memories go
And give my heart another chance
24 Feb 2014
We’ve got places to get to
We’ve all got places to go
We’ve got means, ways and motives
We’ve got wheels, we’ve all got roads
There will be things to carry
There will be a heavy load
And the hardest place to travel
Is the country you’ve built on your own
You can spend your life certain
Here is not where you belong
Or you can make home in yourself
And settle down in hope
The mountains of your mind
Are the hardest to climb
15 Oct 2013
When I think about the scar just below your right wrist
And how you turned the tiller and the windward side would lift
27 Sep 2013
I’ve been trying to get over you
But you’ve got a way of keeping a hold
Over me and my fears
Are nothing to you but diamonds and gold
I’ve been trying to live my own life
But you reel me in as you’re turning your back
To me and the dark side of you
Is something I could not possibly lack
Made me choose between my friends and you
Dressed up as responsibility
Promised formulas and rewards
Talked of investment and traded in fraud
Made me care about things that don’t matter and ignore the things that count
You made me think it was me but really it was you
When things fall apart, you can see the pieces
08 Jun 2013
When I hear that whistle blowing I run down to the tracks
Put a stolen penny on the rails and watch the train wheels roll it flat
And every day, if there was sunshine, snow or rain
When I heard that whistle blowing I’d know here comes the train
From the freight yards of Tacoma to the Gulf of Mexico
I rode as far as those wheels would let me go
But I settled down in Kansas in those fields of waving grain
When I heard that whistle blowing I said here comes the train
22 May 2013
bottom line
You pick them up from your father
You learn them in your school
You catch them in churches and hospitals
And they run you around like a fool
I’m trying to forget all of mine
Let me be the last to tell you
That you can carry everything
But let noone else set the limits
To your circles of affection
31 Jan 2013
We set out from the port on the 13th day
Made our way out across the bay
Sailing right out into the blue
Gonna show you what we can do
And we were lovers, assassins and cooks
You’ll find us on the high seas but we’re strictly off the books.
Lovers, assassins and cooks
See how we made you look
05 Jan 2013
placeholder text
He came up from the south
He was born to let it out
With a heart as cold as plaster
20 Dec 2012
On the edge of the city the air is thick with smoke
And it’s there they drag the rusting hull of ships up on the shore
I am stronger than iron and older than sand
I can tear down anything built by human hands
Ship breaker
When your course is run
I will be waiting for you
19 Aug 2012
The Romans walked a thousand paces
Al-Farghani laid his stakes in the sand
And while we’ve measured distance on land, air and water
We’ve known space between a heart and a hand
units of measure
pieces of paper between here and the moon
15 Aug 2012
When I first looked at the pieces
All I could see were my mistakes
And then I started to think of possibilities
About the things that I could make
How I had let it slip and fall
And the weakness of my hands
To make something new, something old has got to break
Noticing where things lay
Pieces that were lost and others reappeared
23 Jun 2012
I’ve got nothing that I had before
I’ve got everything you left behind when you walked out the door
I’m in pieces all over the floor
And you’re out there getting what you wanted and more
I’ve got photographs I’ve got to hide
I’ve got thoughts that keep me up all night
I’m full up of loneliness and lies
But you’ve got more than my troubles on your mind
14 Oct 2011
Have you heard about the red dirt miners
Have you heard about the heavy load
Have you heard about the price they paid
And the 12 wheeled trucks they drove
Have you heard about the things they whispered
As they worked those open pits
And as the dust storms spun and rattled
How they held onto their wits
Have you heard how they broke that union
Have you heard how they cut them down
How the ships flew by their hands
How their blood ran into the ground
Have you heard about the red dirt miners
Have you heard about the heavy load
Have you learned about the tracks they left
In the planet’s dust and snow
15 Sep 2011
If you knew what they were saying about you
Would you smile for the camera or turn your face away
If you knew how people worried over you
What would you do and what would you say
If you knew what they were planning for you
Would you up and fly away
If you knew the tricks they’ve got for you
Would you be gone by the end of the day
You will do what you came here to do
Place our minds in you
I would never insult love by calling it mine.
24 Apr 2011
The daffodils on the kitchen table
Are leaning toward the light
By this time tomorrow
They will have died
I was walking down Eighth Avenue
On the day you died
I knew exactly when it happened
By the change in the light
I’ve always felt uneasy with my feet off the ground
It takes time for my head and stomach to catch up with a change in altitude
09 Apr 2011
One glance from you was all it took
One word I did not understand
And your laughter cut me off right at the knees
Laid me out to die on the sand
And we are locked inside our walls
And we look out our own windows
And we can only walk out our own doors
But we know all of the loopholes and all of the cracks
The tunnels and the fords into the heart
The weaknesses to our defense
The places where we break apart
language: dispersion/gathering
02 Apr 2011
Well you can shake and swerve and shimmy until you jump right off the tracks
And they’ll leave you burning there after watching the crash
But if you wait for the right moment, guard the throttle, grease the joints
You’ll be crossing over at the switching point
Find someone to sing to
Not to get high; to make the miles
22 Mar 2010
We came in through the door off the car port
The one that always sticks
The answering machine was blinking
On the bed were the grandkids’ unwrapped gifts
There were lists on the refrigerator
And the calendar was covered in names
It was snowing in March in Alabama
As if we needed a reminder things had changed
And the messages were automated calls
On behalf of your pharmacist
While I was restless, going room to room
Sure there was something I had missed
There was a stack of bills in the closet
Bibles and westerns on the shelf
And we looked for reasons and tried to find ways
For our hearts to hold things they can’t bear
01 Jan 2010
Take it down off the wall and pass it round
Don’t leave anything useful lying round
And whatever you can spend is enough to get you in
To keep everything going round
Paying for your share
If like me your mind’s a bum, let it go rambling on
Anyone can say anything and I will be listening
Music (an instrument)
Friends (what I know about you depends on who I heard it through)
01 Jan 2009
I was born with a silver spoon in my hand
Tell the world to lay it down
Talk of real estate just passes over my head
And I lay it down
I’ve walked a mile in my sleep
On broken glass and concrete
Brothers, sisters, lay it down
You don’t have time for this tales of distant conflict
CEO-ldier, lay it down
We don’t see eye to eye you know the bottom line
Helicopters on the ground
You say you know the cost what’s sold can never be lost
CEO-ldier lay it down
I was born with my back against a wall
Come on Cisco lay it down
I got justice on my side and vengeance on my mind
Come on Cisco lay it down
Need some answers
I’ve got 9 to 5 cancer
Come on Cisco lay it down
There’s a line on the edge of town it starts when you put your guidebook down
Hey Cisco lay it down
Where are all the unions
In the black it’s got me blue man
Hey Cisco lay it down
06 Jun 2008
He says I told him something I should have kept to myself
I say secrets are so fucking contagious
Listening to Joe Strummer feel the distance to the Nile
And the cruise control set at seventy five
Business corridors
Heading west and leaving the city behind
At seventy miles an hour
Moosic and the Promised Land State Park
Put it out of gear and let it roll
Let the wind take the lead for a verse or two
Finding lines in the passing air
Fragments of retreads stranded on the shoulder
Circling vultures
Crows dive bombing hawks
Out here we’re all the colors of our cars
And we’re singing along to the radio
Joe Hardy - 84 Lumber
Watershed, township, county, V for turkey vulture
90’s music charts, buckle up for the next million miles
07 May 2008
You stood in the room where the paintings hung
They were watching you
Wondering if you were artist enough
They were watching you
Saint Sebastian lowered his head
With a mischievous smile said son don’t you know
I’ve been watching you
You sat yourself down in front of the screen
They were watching you
The pictures flickered in blue and green
They were watching you
The late night anchor turned in his chair
And fixing you with his benevolent gaze said
I’ve been watching you
They gave it to you fast and rough
They were watching you
Questioning if you were man enough
They were watching you
Monuments of bones, mountains of shoes
Skeletons dancing to the sound of Pan’s flute
They were watching you
17 Apr 2008
Maybe I was right where I was right then
But in two years I’ll be gone
And maybe all the places I’ve been to
Only served to bring me here
Maybe all the things that I have lost
Make room for the new
Maybe all the people I forgot
I was not meant to know
Maybe the ideals that I have lost
Were the ones I don’t believe
Maybe all the anger that is gone
Was not sincerely felt
Maybe all the things that I regret
Not the waiting, but the preparedness
Confidence/assurity that I have lost
Remember something else
Mistakes I knew better than to make
01 Jan 2008
Silence reigns in the beauty parlor
Rusting Russian tanks and American shells
And I walked in holding my guidebook
If I am an immigrant in my own country
Then what am I here
An immigrant twice removed
Ruled by a squawking TV set
18 Dec 2007
Take it four lanes wide all the way
At ninety miles per hour
Tumbleweeds blow down ambush alley
And it will blow your confidence down
Out on the highway just past midnight
The asphalt is cold as hell
There’s a man standing there with a rock in each hand
And he’s praying to Allah for help
And though I drive down Route Irish
I will not be afraid
A gunner in the turret
Is my comfort and aid
14 Dec 2007
You can’t pay to hear it anymore
Even if you wanted to
And you can’t hear it on the radio
DJs are afraid
AP and the girls
On the X
Turn your radio on
02 Oct 2007
There’s a rule for every number
And a place for everything
There’s a word for every notion
A perfect description
Mr. Dewey we don’t need you anymore
So pack up your papers and leave
You take your numbers, I’ll take my time
Consider it a deal
There is an order to all subjects
And a line that they fall in
There’s a field for every question
You could ever imagine
There’s a path to every story A trail to discovery
I want to know just what you need
Not what you want it for
There’s a time for every station
27 Aug 2007
The wind blew down the avenue all night long
And it blew down a limb of the St. Nicholas Elm
Hundreds of years gone to splinters and dust
What was left on the ground I picked it up
You say lately things have been going to hell
There is less to be known and nothing to tell
Your body is failing to back up your mind
And you can’t trust your eyesight most of the time
Like Washington you stood your ground
As New York City burned on down
You stood by the trail where traders passed
An island was lost for trinkets of glass
And when we are gone our parting will be
A change in displacement, a scent on the breeze
Cracking and twisting with everything else
We are decaying miracles from our birth
Voices of nature and prophecy
25 Aug 2007
I’ve always been unlucky with cards and dice and money And women never treated me well But you brought me down lower than everybody You dropped me right into hell
09 Aug 2007
You would sit there for hours talking to yourself
And the words would flow right out of you like a fountain, like a well
You would sit there for hours talking to yourself
Things would fold and spin and shatter; I know, I was there
You would sit there for hours facing east
All the agents of empire came on bended knee
You would sit there for hours facing east
And all the nations streamed towards you
From the greatest to the least
You would sit there for hours in the shade of that tree
At the head of the river looking out towards the sea
You would sit there for hours in the shade of that tree
And in the silence of that morning I fell onto my knees
21 Jun 2007
I’ve got friends who say that they’re always alone
And there is nowhere left to go
The have all been everywhere
But none of them have left their home
There are certain songs that cannot be sung alone
And stories that cannot be told
And you can never hope to sell
All the things you’ve got to tell
Home is always somewhere in between
Our feet and the ground
Just on the strength of your feet
And the courage of your lungs
01 Jan 2007
Neither incumbent nor activist
Finally I have learned
In every moment and task a chance
For the smallness of transcendence
Every moment has a soul
Every job deserves to be the only one
Living is not an art, it is a craft
Do the thing you’re doing really well
Forget about averages and history
Tides and ripples and echoes and memory
What your grandchildren will think of me
Once it starts to sway there’s only one way it can go
After all, who needs eyes to see
And diamonds will never make you believe
Butterfly effect
vanishing day
14 Jul 2006
This is a song for the airline attendant
Who brought me this pen when I asked her to lend it
I thought she’d forgotten like she forgot the tea
For the woman in the seat next to me
But she didn’t, and I’ve got this pen that writes well
And it has the name of Radisson Hotels
I’ve never stayed there, though I’m sure it is nice
And this plane ride is bumpy and the clouds are white
This is a song for the stewardess
I don’t know her name, but I know I could guess
Or I could just look at that tag that she wears
But everyone knows it’s rude to stare
It was thanks to her that I wrote these words
On a flight to Charlotte, which is nice I have heard
I am out of space and out of lines
So this is the end, this song is over, but it’s mine
06 Mar 2006
The sky was falling as we crossed the western border
You turned to me with a smile
Though the world was drowning in half an inch of water
I could see for miles and miles
The earth was screaming as they poured across the border
You were pointing at the moon
And though the creek was rising and the southern bridge was washed out
There was nothing ahead but _____
The sea was raging when I heard the call to order
You were dancing on the shore
And though the wind had blown us nearly on the rock’s teeth
We were neither created nor destroyed
If it looks like war and it talks like war and it walks like war and it smells like war
The enemy is the one who looks just like you
God willing and the creek don’t rise
If love is a game it’s the first one to zero that takes
Everything but the girl
Is it finite like energy and matter or as vast
As an open hand
Pull up your stakes and get out of town
There’s a flood coming down
06 Mar 2006
Stanwyck dot cat
Lying on the mat
You could never kill a rat
You are too slow and fat
Stanwyck dot cat
What do you know
Are you a genius
Do you think humans are slow
Stanwyck dot cat
You’re a pretty girl
All the kitty boys
Want to get into your world
Stanwyck dot cat
You’re sleepy and sweet
What would you sat to me
If you could speak
18 Jan 2006
Hey little sister don’t, don’t let them do this to you
Hey little sister don’t, don’t let them do this to you
Those things you’re believing are not real
Don’t let them do this to you
Hey little sister don’t, don’t believe what it tells you
Hey little sister don’t, don’t believe what it tells you
You are occupied territory
Don’t believe what it tells you
Hey little sister don’t, don’t let them do this to you
Hey little sister don’t, don’t let them do this to you
Those things you’re believing are not real
Don’t let them do this to you
17 Apr 2005
Murder murder there’s blood on the breeze
Doctor doctor won’t you help me please
Heal me doctor
Fire fire there’s smoke in the wind
Doctor doctor untangle my mind
Strung out waiting on parted waters a bush burst into flame
A doctor to take away my pain
Liar liar there’s a fox with the hens
Doctor doctor I’ve been taken for dead
Heal me doctor
Murder murder there’s blood in the streets
Doctor doctor won’t you tell me please
The worst of my addictions is that I am addicted at all
Doctor catch me when I fall
Street preachers and faith healers
High rollers and free wheelers
language of war
Shock the common mind
Hope is not common sense
27 Mar 2005
I know the sun is shining somewhere
I know tomorrow’s never far away
I know the skies are blue in Boston
But New York City is cold and gray
I know I’m going to quit this drinking
I know my life is going to make some sense
I know I am still innocent
I know I can rely on happy endings
You play Romeo, I’ll be Juliet
I know that we have nothing but this moment
But right now sucks and tomorrow probably will
Did you know slugs have 4 noses
Goldfish have ADD
That camels have 3 eyelids
Fish cough like you and me
22 Mar 2005
I told you once
I’m not saying it again
You either step back off yourself
Or you’ll be dealing with my friends
I told you once
It’s not funny anymore
You better drop that shit this second
Or I’m walking out the door
Now you’re screaming bloody murder
Like a pig who just got stuck
Here’s a quarter, go call someone
‘Cause I don’t give a fuck
So you’re scared
Hell aren’t we all
Get your head out of your ass and
Get your feet back on the floor
And if you’ve got a cross I’ve got a shoulder to lean it on
Go on and lay your burden down, it’s not heavy, it’s not _____
I’ve heard this one before, it goes ABC
It’s the same fucking song, in a slightly different key
breaking laws of your own invention and calling it transgression
06 Jan 2005
We were down on the shore that evening
Walking the waterline
A voice was calling up from the deep saying run
Leave your troubles behind
We were down on the shore that evening
Walking the waterline
You were calling to me you spoke my name
You said leave your future behind
Forty days on the sea are nothing
It’s the nights that will do you in
Watching the wake fade into the sea
Erasing where you have been
Forty days in pursuit of a cloud
At night a pillar of fire
The wind at your back blows over your footsteps
The past creeping up from behind
You can’t cut a line into water
Part the seas with a wave of your hand
It’s too deep for your anchor to hold
We’ve been two of a kind it’s true
If I’m caught in this flood give me strength
Not to struggle or swim
Let me drown like a stone let me surrender
Let me give in
Is this divine intention or human design
Are we out of step with this creation or
Right in time
Above my head a seagull
Loops across the sky
And I’d be up there too
If I could only fly
06 Jan 2005
You were looking at the sky and talking of God
At you feet a flower bloomed and heaven grew from mud
You were looking at the sky and speaking holy words
While the sacred passed unspoken and unheard
You were looking at the wall and scales fell from your eyes
And you fell off of your horse and fell into this life
You were staring into space and then you heard the sound
You got up and left behind that winning hand
You have told me often and I know it is true
That art is for the sake of live and beauty is not truth
I am saying to you that living is an art
And love is more than giving, it is faith in your own heart
25 Nov 2004
Place the blame on anybody
Claim that you don’t care
Say the world is lost forever
But don’t say you’re scared
Say you’ll move to Canada
You’ll never vote again
But don’t say you’re scared forever
Don’t fear tomorrow
don’t bow down
Do not be frightened
of any power
Don’t fear the dawning
Don’t be cowed
Do not be frightened
Of any power
06 May 2004
It’s easy to say that I know nothing at all
And what I see may all of it be false
It’s easy to say that one and one is undefined
But all we have to do each day is simply live this life
It’s easy to say you are the master of this plan
And what you hold so dear is in your hand
It’s easy to say this is a miracle divine
Because all we have to do each day is simply live this life
I’ve tried to keep this short and sweet
But the words keep flowing out of me
It’s such a mystery
I’ve tried to slip my trembling grip
But I love this life too much
Just like Odysseus
I could be lifted up
Like I was Lazarus
I’ve tried to keep this lecture brief
Enter into life
I am a simple man
I know it’s easy to say you believe in anything
It’s simpler still to just refuse
20 Sep 2003
There are times to get back to basics
And this is one of those
Food water air and love
And you, you alone
There are times when not much matters
And this is one of those
I could even throw my life away
For you, you alone
I’m happy being your lover
I’m fine with being your friend
But if there was just one thing that I could be
I’d want to be your home
I know that I’m your lover
I know I am your friend
But what I really want to know is
Am I your home
10 Aug 2003
Even Jesus had twelve men and you have yours too
A Judas, a Thomas, a Mark and maybe even a Luke
There are twelve months to each year twelve hours to each day
And I have but twelve breaths left to speak all the words I have left to say
All the twelve tables of law and steps to a higher place
Were of very little use of me when I stopped counting at twelfth grade
But the twelve Federal Banks can’t hold the love I feel
The Army of Twelve Monkeys can’t tell me this is not for real
The Greeks had twelve gods for every possible event
And the past is far behind us now but what can it help to prevent
There is a stone for every month of the year and I’ve carried them since
I did my twelve Herculean tasks in atonement for my sins
There are twelve days of Christmas and only one true love
Twelve tribes of Israel but only one true God
And as much as I try to tell myself who you are is not who you’ve been
There are still twelve of them and only one of me
06 Feb 2003
A liar is the worst kind of coward and I have been that
A fool dies a thousand deaths and I have died some
But I was not a fool or a liar for you I tried to deceive myself
And now I am through with all this shit
And happiness is not my goal
You said to leave the past behind me and I have done that
You said to do what makes me happy and I have been some
But I was not about to leave what I have cursed and sweated for
And now I am through with playing mind games
And speaking in shifting codes
03 Feb 2003
It’s the smallest things that kill when you’re in outer space
Thirty-eight miles high a cowboy rides the clear blue sky over eastern Texas
His silver ship and his gleaming gun reflecting morning sunlight
His face is radiant
So before it all ends in a flash of light brighter than the sun
Debris raining down over Nagacdoches
Countdown clock counting up
15 Jun 2002
What did you
Come out to see
A man with a tongue like the wind
A resurrection
Ash in wind
Bullets in the debris
Will the future appear as the past
Are we bound to repeat
Home from war
Wounded soldier walks
In what is done and what is seen
Forgotten how to talk
There’s no harm
In telling tales of war
But the future cannot be the past
Bathed in blood and gore
To all those
Who at the tomb now stand
Rise up and walk like Lazarus
Take up your cross and dance
Dare to dream
Endure memory
Do you have courage to create
Or just destroy
What did you
Come out to see
A man with a body covered in scars
A walking miracle
01 Jan 2002
She said it’s cold in here as she pulled the blankets up to her chin
I rolled over and fell off the edge into the sea of my sin
Captain oh my captain I am caught adrift
No stars to guide this sailor home no wind these sails to lift
She said she’d known all along or at least a couple of days
I never meant to be telling a lie so maybe I wanted to fail
Tell me oh my brother where the current flows
I can feel I am in motion where it leads to I don’t know
16 May 2001
I left you alone
I left you cold
I left you dead
I left you with a hole in your head
I left you with a piece of lead
I left you in the lake you bled
I left you with your hand on the phone
I left you all alone
You give me life
You give me peace
You give me blood
You give release
You made me laugh
You made me cry
I made you scream
I made you die
I made you beg
I waved goodbye
Are you after me
Are you after you
Are you after my life
Are you after yours too
Are you after my mind
Are you after my head
Are you after my thoughts
And the books I have read
I am after you
I am after me
I am after your blood
I am after your plea
I am after your home
I am after your life
I am after your kid
I am after your wife
I am after fame
I am after TV
I am after success
I want to be seen
I am after faith
I am after hope
I am after love
I am after dope
01 Jan 2001
The jailer had too much to drink he was fast asleep by ten
I stole his keys and let myself out of the holding pen
Set out across the mountains, heading for the nearest port
I knew it wouldn’t be long until they filed a Missing Person’s Report
I stowed away on a schooner headed out at dawn
To match wits with the future and beat it with my brawn
We were somewhere near the Azores when a storm came up fast
Blew our sails to shreds and broke off both our masts
They found me in the cargo hold, pulled me out and sat me down
I pulled out my flask of gin and passed it around
Then someone said, “Hey I know you, I’ve seen your face before
Oh yeah, it was on that poster on the wall at the General Store.”
I made like I had to leave, but they said I had to stay
The ship began to founder, we all began to pray
They said they had to lose some weight or the ship would surely sink
So they threw me and my sins overboard into the drink
I was never much of a swimmer, but I paddled around
‘Till I heard the captain shouting, “My God, we’re all going down!”
And through the waves I saw the ship dive into the deep
The sea sucked me in it’s gaping grin where many fell asleep
And as the waves rolled over me the sky above was dark
I screamed, “Don’t call me Ishmael, don’t call me Joan of Arc
Don’t call me a survivor, don’t wish you’d died instead
And far above all else, don’t you dare call me dead”
17 Mar 1999
today’s line calls for an increased chance clouded sun, popular indifference a shot of blood and a pint of hate sharks rising to the scent of the bait
when did love become hate’s favorite game and peace a way of staying sane children - collateral damage in our wars i wish that i could say it wasn’t my fault
01 Jan 1999
water freezes this july
burning kisses fall from the sky
humanity sinks out of sight
the sun’s caresses give way to night
in africa the desert’s frozen
artic water boils to the yellow skies
noah’s ark is slowly sinking
this world we’ve blown is lost to our eyes
last night I heard the screaming
went outside to watch them fall from the sky
tonight I hear the screaming
of a world that’s not quite ready to die
it’s because we loved our children
it’s because we had to keep up with someone else
it’s because we need inventory
this is our final love song for the earth
it’s because we loved our children
it’s because we had to keep up with someone else
it’s because we need inventory
this is our final love song for the earth
01 Jan 1999
When the iron curtain fell I was standing there
More surprised than I cared to admit
When the borders were closed I was sitting there opposed
When the verdict came down I was kneeling on the ground
My head in my hands
What is here and what is beyond
You can leave my failed aggression dangling
I know you have tried to hide your hatred
And I for my part have forgotten how much I love you